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Vascular & Interventional Radiology

Women’s Health Interventional

What is Women's Health Interventional?

Women experience unique health issues and conditions, from pregnancy and menopause to gynecological conditions and pelvic floor disorders. Midwest Radiology Vascular and Interventional Radiologists treat a variety of conditions for women including uterine fibroids, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and varicose veins. Today's image-guided, minimally invasive, targeted treatments often come with less pain and shorter recovery time than open surgery. After performing diagnostic exams and in-depth consultations, your interventional radiologist, often in concert with your gynecologist, will recommend a minimally invasive, image-guided treatment that is right for your issue to help you get back to your life again.

What Conditions Does Women's Interventional Surgery Treat?

Our Interventional Radiologists are experts in providing advanced diagnostic imaging and specialized, minimally invasive treatments for many common health conditions in women. Some of the treatments we provide include:

Uterine Fibroid Embolization - Shrinking of benign growths that arise from the muscular wall of the uterus, which can relieve symptoms such as heavy, painful, prolonged monthly periods, anemia, fatigue, frequent urination and pain or pressure in the hips and back, while preserving the uterus.

Pelvic Congestion Syndrome - Blocking the blood flow caused by ovarian/pelvic varicose veins - dilations of normal veins that allow blood to pool, which can relieve symptoms including pain and aches in the lower belly, pelvic region, and lower back.

Fallopian Tube Recanalization - Clearing blockages in the fallopian tubes, part of a woman’s reproductive system important to fertility, and restoring normal function.