Heart Screening
A simple, pain free, noninvasive CT scan of your heart that requires less than ten minutes and can help determine if you have coronary artery disease. It uses a multi-detector CT scanner that takes 120 images of your coronary arteries using four small EKG electrodes placed on your chest and records the amount of calcium in your coronary arteries, which is an indicator of heart disease. Radiation exposure is minimal. No needles, injections, or sedations are used.
The cost is $100.
Who Should Have a Heart Screening?
An appropriate candidate is male, age 35-70, or female, age 40-70, with at least one of the following risk factors:
- Family history of heart disease
- Smoking
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- High blood pressure
- Overweight
- Sedentary lifestyle
Patients who are not candidates for the test include those who have a history of coronary artery surgery or disease, angina, heart attack or coronary stent. A referral is not needed to schedule this test, however, it should be done under the supervision of your healthcare provider to properly use the data.
Your Cardiac Calcium Score
Cardiac Calcium Scoring detects calcium deposits before they get large enough to obstruct the blood vessel. This is a valuable screening test to identify an individual who has no symptoms, but has significant plaque in the blood vessel wall. It is not unusual for a small amount of plaque to change shape and attract a clot, resulting in a heart attack. The amount of calcium, or plaque, detected in your coronary arteries is calculated, and used to establish your cardiac score which provides information about your risk for heart disease or heart attack.
Risk Factors For Heart Disease
Prevention, early detection, and early intervention are critical and can save many lives. Coronary artery atherosclerosis can be slowed, stabilized, and in some cases reversed through aggressive life-style modification and also through medical therapies under the supervision of a physician. Risk factors for heart disease include:
- Family History of Heart Disease
- Smoking
- High Cholesterol
- High Blood Pressure
- Overweight
- Diabetes
- Sedentary Lifestyle
Schedule a Screening
Midwest Radiology maintains dedicated scheduling resources for all outpatient imaging center locations. We offer same-day scheduling and accept most forms of medical insurance. Call us today!
Our outpatient imaging services are provided through a network of imaging clinics conveniently located throughout the Twin Cities area. We offer top-quality imaging services that generate high-resolution imagery using state-of-the-art medical imaging equipment.
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Our Physicians
Qualified, caring, honored, and committed ─ the best of Midwest Radiology. Our radiologists are board certified by the American Board of Radiology and have extensive training and expertise in medical imaging. They are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality imaging services to all patients and healthcare providers.