Colon Screening
Colon cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in the U.S., however less than half the population is screened for colon cancer. Our colon screening uses colonography, a newer, more comfortable alternative to traditional colonoscopy that uses sophisticated low radiation CT scans to provide a detailed study of the colon for early detection of cancer and polyps. No sedation is required, there is minimal patient discomfort, and the procedure time is short. Radiation exposure is minimal. No needles, injections, or sedations are used. It is a leading factor in reducing the incidence of colon cancer for persons over the age of 45.
Who Should Have a Colon Screening
Good candidates for this screening are those who are 45 years of age or older and are at average to moderate risk of developing colon cancer. Moderate risk individuals are those with a first-degree relative who have had colon cancer before age 60 or multiple first-degree relatives who were diagnosed at any age. Virtual Colonoscopy screening is not appropriate for everyone, and should be discussed with your primary healthcare provider. Speak with your healthcare provider to discuss your colon cancer screening options and what is right for you.
Risk Factors for Colon Cancer Include:
- Age
- Family History
- Other Colon Diseases
- Familial Polyposis
- Ulcerative Colitis
- Crohn's Disease
- Chronic Inflammatory Bowel Disease
- Previous Colorectal Cancer
Screening Virtual Colonoscopy
This exam can be used as a screening option for colon cancer. A benefit of this screening is that it doesn't require sedation. Patients are able to drive after the exam and return to their daily routine. Using state-of-the-art CAT scan imaging, you avoid the risks, pain and inconvenience associated with conventional colonoscopy. Virtual Colonoscopy is as accurate as conventional colonoscopy for the detection of polyps 10 mm and larger and can identify polyps as small as 3 to 4 mm.
Diagnostic Virtual Colonoscopy
This exam can also be used for diagnostic reasons. Virtual Colonoscopy is an option that many gastroenterologists may recommend when a patient can’t tolerate a traditional colonoscopy or has a longer or "redundant" colon with more twists and turns as this exam allows the provider to see the entire colon.
Schedule a Screening
Midwest Radiology maintains dedicated scheduling resources for all outpatient imaging center locations. We offer same-day scheduling and accept most forms of medical insurance. Call us today!
Our outpatient imaging services are provided through a network of imaging clinics conveniently located throughout the Twin Cities area. We offer top-quality imaging services that generate high-resolution imagery using state-of-the-art medical imaging equipment.
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Our Physicians
Qualified, caring, honored, and committed ─ the best of Midwest Radiology. Our radiologists are board certified by the American Board of Radiology and have extensive training and expertise in medical imaging. They are dedicated to providing the highest level of quality imaging services to all patients and healthcare providers.